Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Evaluation Of A Battery Draining Attack - 2212 Words

A Battery Draining Attack with Little to No Information Bo Wang, Chen Xi, Ximeng Wang Information Networking Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA Team Except10n Information Networking Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA Abstract—Battery draining attacks exploit the resource limitation of modern mobile devices and have long been proved effective. However, most of the existing attack methods require sensitive information of the target in advance, which limits the effectiveness of this attack. This paper describes the design and implementation of a battery draining attack combined with Man-In-The-Middle attacks that requires as little information of the target as possible. The attack aims to be performed on any target connecting to a random public AP, to work on a wide range of devices automatically, and to drain the batteries covertly without notifications. Several implementations are tested, their battery draining speed measured and the best attack is able to speed up the battery usage 14.3 times. Pros and cons of this attack are discussed. Keywords—mobile; security; battery; attack; MITM; Android I. INTRODUCTION The latest iPhone is 16 times more powerful than the one Steve Jobs unveiled nine years ago, but the battery still lasts just a day. [1] This simple fact points out how Moore’s law fails on the improvement speed of batteries on mobile devices. In the development if defensive applications and intrusion detection systemsShow MoreRelatedCompassion Fatigue9142 Words   |  37 Pagesand arranging for disposition—either admitting them to the hospital or releasing them after treatment as necessary. These requires fast assessment, evaluation and quick diagnosis of a suffering patient by the physicians. 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